About Us
The International Corrugated Case Association (ICCA) was formed in 1961. Its purpose is to provide member services and activities that can be most effectively conducted by an international organization. The services support and enhance the work of the association members and contribute to the well-being of the worldwide corrugated packaging industry.

- Promote and protect the general welfare of the worldwide corrugated packaging industry.
- Support and supplement the programs and activities of various national and regional trade associations which serve the corrugated packaging industry.
- Collect and disseminate information about corrugated products, issues, services and resources globally.
- Gather, compile and disseminate worldwide statistical information and forecasts for the corrugated packaging industry.
- Be the global platform for addressing the needs of the worldwide corrugated packaging industry which can more effectively be handled by the association and its work groups than by individual companies.

Global Summit
ICCA Members can access presentations from past Global Summits here.

ICCA gathers, compiles and distributes corrugated shipment/production data. This is the most authoritative reflection of worldwide corrugated industry data.
ICCA members receive
country- and region-specific production/shipment data reports every quarter. The association releases annual data to the general public, and then only by continent.

Global Corrugated Forecasts
ICCA funds forecasts to predict where the industry will head in the next few years. The worldwide forecast can be purchased for $5,000 and the regional forecast can be purchased for $2,000.
Contact Peggy Lacy at placy@iccanet.org to order your copy today.

International Guidelines
As certain issues in the corrugated industry span over country borders and across continents, ICCA issues guidelines to help its members implement specific programs. One example is the adoption of guidelines for members to institute a global recycling symbol.